Vibeke Brask Thomsen

Vibeke Brask Thomsen is the Founder and Director of SheCanHeCan. After obtaining her Master in Public Policy and Master of Russian and East European Studies from the University of Michigan, Vibeke Brask Thomsen worked in Bruxelles for various think-thanks and NGOs on arms control, disarmament, security and defense, and on policies to protect women in conflict zones. In 2011, she moved to Monaco where she founded SheCanHeCan (formerly GenderHopes). SheCanHeCan is a Monaco-based organisation that aims to inspire and support girls to take leadership roles. It encourage girls and boys to challenge deeply-held, life-limiting gender stereotypes and to realize their full potential, independent of their gender. SheCanHeCan also works to recognize the achievements and contributions of great female leaders throughout her story and to mark the International Day of the Girl every year on 11 October.

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